About Goat Strolls
In 2017, two old friends embarked on a unique journey, bringing the joy of goat yoga to Tomball, Texas. To set ourselves apart, we proudly named our small business Tomball Goat Yāgo. Despite the initial challenges of Hurricane Harvey in August 2017, we opened our doors, put the goats in the house, and patiently waited for Houston to dry out!
The past six years at Tomball Goat Yago have been an incredible adventure, filled with laughter, joy, and unforgettable moments shared with each of you.
With a blend of sadness and anticipation, we've made the decision to pause our goat yoga offerings after January 31st, 2024, as we won't be bringing on new baby goats this year.
But fear not!
Farmer John and Monique are thrilled to introduce Goat Strolls—a new adventure that marries the charm of goat companionship with the beauty of Tomball.
Imagine a one-hour stroll with our delightful unleashed goats, guided by an expert who'll weave goat facts and local history into your experience.
Traverse a pasture of handsome bulls, navigate a rock course accompanied by our goat friends, and explore our ranch, complete with Farmer John's mechanical wonders.
Farmer John
As a special preview, we're currently restoring a 1963 Routemaster London double-decker bus named Nigel.
Nigel is gearing up to grace the streets of Tomball, adding an iconic touch to our endeavors.
Stay tuned for exciting updates and a fresh chapter of experiences as we share Nigel with the community.
Our commitment to crafting memorable moments continues with this delightful addition to our story.
Explore, anticipate, and join us on this new venture! Join us for a party or a Goat Stroll today!